First off, I'd like to say, "Thank You" to those who've read my profile and blogs on It really means a lot to me ;-) The blog profile page has a few things to let you know who I am, my Twitter feed, some info on my radio show, and on the bottom right corner is my support of the Keep A Breast Foundation. This is very important to me and a worthy cause for the fight against breast cancer. So far those who've read my blogs, helped raise $160 dollars! I "Thank You!" I wasn't even sure I'd posted it correctly, lol, but I obviously did. I took the time to see how I can support others when setup my blog page, there were so many organizations to chose from. As a massage therapist, I specialize in giving massages to cancer patients, and what a great idea it would be to also help raise money for the cause.
The Keep A Breast Foundation is a non-profit organization that uses art & educational programs to raise awareness of methods for prevention and early detection of breast cancer. There are a few campaigns that maybe some have heard of "I Love Boobies" colorful bracelets that represent the campaign & organization. They are so cute! Made sure I got a picture for everyone to see, anyone can wear them. Can wear them at anytime, match them with your outfit, all the while supporting a good cause. Or the campaign of casting a woman's breast, which is then auctioned off and donated to the organization, I've found out a few celebrities have done this! Fabulous!
It does not take long to do, when you read my blog go down and click on how readers can support Keep A Breast Foundation, and follow the instructions from there. There's only about 10 questions and take you less than 5 minutes to answer them all. Let's all start the year off by helping & supporting someone else, takes only a bit of time & effort to raise money for others. I hope to see a difference in a few months, I myself will be doing more for the foundation and will keep you posted as time goes by ;-) Again, "Thank You" to those who've shown support, and I'm reaching out to others to do the same in the future. I hope everyone has a great weekend, GO NINERS! And remember to take the time to also reflect on the holiday this Monday, Remember Dr. Martin Luther King!